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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  December 26, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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>> how much does this come down to trust? >> as far as trust, this guy here has to know what his animals are. >> can you trust the wild animals. >> they will do what comes naturally. >> jesus! never have i wanted to end the show more than i do right now. you know what. >> we may never be back. i would like to say it has been a pleasure but i don't know that it has. it has been an experience. it has been fascinating. my thanks to jack hanna and the columbus zoo and aquarium. that is all for us tonight i'm going to have a cold shower. good evening.
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if you are looking for on the's breaking news, look out the window. seasonably nasty stuff this time of the year. blizzard tying up travel and the rest unexpected. dozens of tornados out of season, out of the blue, in your face. >> oh, my god we need to go. it's right there. keep recording. we have to hurry up and get past this. >> one view of the massive storm as it moved through the mobile, alabama, area. now here's another. >> oh, my god. look. that's a tornado. oh wow! oh, jesus, look at that tornado. oh, my god, that's cool. jesus, please keep your hands on whoever is over there. look at them.
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that's like two tornados. two funnels on the ground. oh, lord! look at there. wow! oh, oh, my god. look at that. look. there's another one. it is fixing to touch down. we are fixin' to have to get in the bathroom. it's coming towards us. >> you don't expect a tornado in december, but in the south like here in little rock, arkansas, you also don't expect much snow but they got it. nine inches, in fact. more than they have seen in 86 years. it is a lot more common farther north but rarely so much at once. with blizzard conditions in the midwest, a foot and a half forecasted in the northeast and airline delays up and down the map it is enough to make you want to stay put and watch cnn. we have everything you need to
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know front everywhere it matters. starting with alexandra steel who's tracking the storm. who's getting hit the hardest. >> they are not going anywhere in upstate and western new york tonight. here's a look at the radar picture. the white is where the snow is, the green and red delineating where the heavy rain is. you can see the snow has lifted out areas of illinois, ohio, indiana. clearing conditions there. right along i-90 is where the heaviest snow is now and for new york state and new jersey we will see the rain lift up. washington improving conditions, new york city very heavy rain and very gusty winds. here's a look. that's part of the problem with the storm and has been since the beginning. not only are we seeing swaths of snow but the winds are so strong. in the last three hours, 40 mile an hour wind gusts in new york city. 26 in buffalo and cleveland and indy. so, again, the snow is clearing out of illinois and indiana.
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look at what it left behind. kentucky, over four inches. here's what is left of it. the storm lifting to the north. upstate and western new york getting five to nine inches and then nine to 12 in northern new york, and the green and white mountains of vermont and new hampshire because the snow will last the longest as it lifts further north. >> all anyone wants to know is when can we expect to see the weather improve? >> it is going to improve and we will watch this move. here's the area of low pressure. here's the time stamp for you tonight at 10:00. right on the money. here's where the low pressure is over washington where it is rain but it is going to the north. as we look from overnight in to tomorrow, you see the clearing out from ohio, much of pennsylvania by tomorrow morning is clear by 6:00 a.m. new york state es konsed in the snow but as we head to noon you can see it lifting north to south and by friday only in to
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maine. it all finally by thursday night you can see where it is and then it moves out for friday. but then, there's another storm brewing that we will have to talk about later for new england also. kind of taking a similar track for new year's eve and new year's eve day. >>. >> these are holiday storms. only come at the holidays. >> what a christmas treat. >> sure. if you are watching on the there's a good chance you are watching at this airport waiting to board a flight that's been delayed or rescheduled after a cancellation. as always when a big storm blows through the airline system feels it. holly firfer is in atlanta. cancellations are bad right now and the worst might not be over? >> reporter: that's right. 1400 flights have been cancelled already. hundreds more delayed. the number, as the storm increases, as the storm heads to new england, as alexandra said
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tonight in to tomorrow, that number may get worse. delays in airports to new york, an hour, hour and a half. in philadelphia, two and a half hours they are waiting. it's not just the passengers who are getting frustrated. some of the pilots, as well. listen to an american airlines pilot. he had been sitting on a tarmac for five hours with a plane full of passengers. listen to an announce he made on board. >> it's beyond reproach. i have no, no words to tell you this how sorry i am for all of this. decisions are being made way above our heads by people that obviously, in my humble opinion, don't have a clue what they are doing. >> according to american airlines, the problem, they say, is they put safety first and were worried about de-icing the plane. the storm came so fast and they were worried about the safety of pilots and passengers before
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they were concerned about takeoff time. this will continue in to tomorrow. we have heard 90 flights are cancelled tomorrow as the storm continues. if you plan to travel it is best to call your airlines ahead of time so you are not waiting too long in the airport to see if your flight is delayed or cancelled. >> that's a look at the airports. what about the roads and for those planning to hit the roads? >> the roads are just as bad if not worst. in the midwest the roads are icy. take a look at this from earlier from indianapolis. 18-wheeler spins off of an icy road and had to be towed to safety. the midwest are not strangers the winter storms indianapolis pacers cancelled an nba game tonight with the chicago bulls because they were concerned about people on the roads. it is too dangerous on the roads there. greyhound cancelled most of the midwest to east coast buses. it's a mess where.
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they are telling people to check if you are planning to go somewhere because it may be cancelled especially if it is a plane or bus. >> holly firfer reporting from a noisy airport. thank you very much. as we have been showing you whether by air or road, there's nothing easy or simple to get around tonight. they have been hammered in parts of the midwest and now the northeast is bearing the brunt. we have a report from syracuse where there is snow on the ground and plenty more to come. what are the conditions looking like right now. >> it started to snow here and heavier snow is expected to last four to five hours. syracuse is expecting about a foot of snow. what you see behind me is accumulation of snow from previous snowstorms. this the last four days they have already gotten 13 inches of snow here. >> a big concern is visibility. certainly overnight as the storm gets heavier. what can you tell us about that? >> right. visibility and also ice.
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that's one of the problems, snow falling on top of snow and potential ice in some areas. when we got out of our car we almost slipped in one area. that's why the city has plows throughout the area that's been sprinkling salt, in anticipation of the snowstorm. city officials say that syracuse is actually used to this amount of snow. the challenge tonight is this amount of snow in such a short period of time. it's been almost two years sincere kus has seen one foot of snow all in one shot. >> ines, thank you very much for the update from syracuse. a lot more happening tonight including late news on avoiding tax hikes and budget cuts that could sink the economy. president obama is rushing back to washington. the question is what kind of reception he will get with the lawmakers he's been negotiating with? questions?
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and a 30-tablet free trial. why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. hi's governor is naming a successor to daniel inouye. he recommended u.s. rep in his letter before he died. meantime with six days until we go off the fiscal cliff,
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president obama is cutting his hawaiien family vacation short. flying back to washington tonight. unwhat kind of deal-making possibilities he will find when he gets back. house republican leaders held a conference call but no decision when to call members back nor is it clear what kind of deal, if any, they will have to vote on. a lot of moving pieces and a lot of digging for cnn's dana bash. i understand there were no decisions out of the call. do we have any sense what fellow republicans are telling speaker boehner? how likely are we going to see a vote before going over the cliff? >> it's up in the air. i'm told it is in part why house republicans didn't make a decision whether to bring the house back or when to do it. the ball is really in the senate's court, specifically with senate democrats. that changed big time since a couple of weeks ago. at this point what senate democrats are trying to figure
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out is whether or not they can find enough republicans to cross party lines for what the president proposed right before he left for hawaii which is a scale back, focusing on tax cuts and saying what he campaigned on during the entire campaign which is only keeping tax cuts in place for those under $250,000. it is a big ask to try to get -- by our calculation ten senate republicans to cross over. they think with the deadline they are up against it will be hard to go home and say i let everybody's taxes go up. >> what do we know about what is in this scaled back bill? it's still being crafted. that's part of the dance being done in the next few days, which is what do democrats have to put in to this in order to lure those republicans, if anything? is there anything they can do? fundamentally for most republicans, voting for the president's plan that will raise taxes on the top two percent that most republicans campaigned against are not going to go for
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it. but perhaps democrats think if they add an extension of the estate tax cut or other tax extenders in there they can lure some republicans. but that is part of the negotiation that will go on behind the scenes between democrats and maybe one by one republican after republican, what do you need in order to come to the table? >> senate democrats say the best chance of passing the bill is to wait until the last minute. why is that? >> this is going to make voters and viewers so happy i'm sure. the reason is they know the reality and the reality is -- and we have seen it time and time again. congress acts when they are up against a deadline and really not before. we're pretty close to the deadline but it won't be until they are literally facing the cliff, teetering off the edge of the cliff that many republicans will say uncle, i will go for this, even though i don't think it is the right thing. for the most part democratic and
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republican sources think the most likely scenario is going off the cliff. the reason is this is not going to make voters or viewers happy, because politically it is easier for members of congress to vote for a tax cut, which would be what they are voting for if everyone's taxes go up, than some people a tax increase. >> dana bash, we will continue to watch it with you. thank you. >> thank you. more raw politics now with senior political analyst david gergen, and alice stewart former snowstorm and backman 2012 spokeswoman. good to see you. you have been around washington for quite a while and watched the 11th hour negotiations. it seems democrats are not going to budge from their insistence that taxes be raised on wealthier americans. does it seem like we are going to be headed off the cliff? >> it does. i was optimistic that perhaps
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the holiday season and hope springing eternal that we could get there. i think a couple of things are at work here. first is you said it, democrats are not going to budge. i don't think they should. if there is one thing that was incredibly clear about what president obama and the democrats campaigned on this past election cycle and oh, by the way, the won, was this fall-back plan or the small piece of tax cuts being extended for 98% of american families and 97% of small businesses. there's a bill in the senate sitting there right now that the house could actually vote on. they don't need to wait for anything else to pass the senate. the house could call a vote on it right now and 98% of america's families could see protection of their tax cuts extended. so i think that is a strong position for the democrats. they won on this. the majority of the american people agree that the wealthy
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and the 2% of the wealthiest in the country can afford to pay more. most wealthy people agree with that. >> alice, you say you believe president obama and democratic congressional leaders prefer to go over the cliff so they can raise taxes, cut defense spending and blame the gop but republicans have the option of locking in tax cuts for most americans right now. >> to further that note, sure, i think the president wants to do this because as you said he can increase taxes, continue cuts on the military and point the finger at the republicans. the truth of the matter is we need to have serious spending cuts. this is not an issue that will be resolved with taxing either way. we need to address serious spending issue swres in the country. the truth is boehner and house republicans pointed out the house issued legislation that would extend the current tax -- the bush-era tax cuts and erase military cuts. it is in the senate's hands and they need to act on that.
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something that came up this afternoon that is critical and a reminder in the entire scenario. secretary geithner issued a letter today warning the country we are going to hit the debt ceiling on new year's eve. this is a stark reminder we have out of control spending in the country and congress needs to wake up and smell the coffee that the spending needs to be addressed first and foremost, not just raising taxes on americans. >> hard to believe we are still talking about. this here we are with virtually no time left on a deal. did you see it happen like this? is washington so broken they continue find a compromise. >> i must confess i have been a short-term pessimist and long-term optimist. i think the country will get back on track eventually but it will take a while. this is extraordinary. damage has already been done because of this craziness in washington. consumer sentiment is down. business plans for investment are down, business sentiment is down. we will pay a price regardless of whether or not we go off the
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cliff. how extraordinary is it? the senate hasn't acted, hasn't been called to act on a bill in between christmas and new years for 49 years. the first time in 49 years the sthat has had to come back like this. i think the prospects as the others point out, i think the prospect is strong that we will go over the cliff because the differences are so big. the republicans will get most of blame if we go over the cliff on taxes, but the republicans have an argument, look, the president promised us for every one dollar of tax increases he would put on the table $2.50 of decreases. the dollars for spending decreases reason on the table. the republicans will pay the price. >> when you look at the republicans, was it a mistake for the republicans to get in to this fight over taxes. they could have had the more popular message about cutting deficit spending, right? >> the truth is they would have
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been better taking the deal that john boehner negotiated with president obama way back when. they missed the moment. i think the real fear is who pays the price. i think the republicans has a point but will pay the price and the real people that will pay the price are the americans, the middle class. it is crazy to put us through this. >> all of the focus on tax cuts but the revenue from increases the taxes on the wealthy will barely make a dment the deficit to say nothing of the trillions of dollars in debt we are talking about. it is a symbolic fight the president is determined to win off of his re-election. >> it is not symbolic. there will be money raised if the tacks for the top 2% are left to expire. let me bring up a point. no democrat and certainly not this president, has said there should be no spending cuts. on the contrary. this president has put on the table quite an extraordinary amount of spending cuts to the
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sh grin of many democrats, i might add. are they to the extent the grand bargain was several months ago last year? of course not. the president is in a much stronger political position right now. let's remember, this president has never walked away from the bargaining table. the speaker of the house has walked away twice now. so david's right. republicans will get the blame politically. does that mean that we should not -- that we shouldn't continue to try? no. because ultimately americans are the ones who will be hurt if, especially those middle-class families and remember there's a bill in the senate today where the house could pass it tomorrow if they wanted to to protect the majority of middle class families. >> even so, alice, which is a worse politicafate for republicans, going over the cliff or voting to increase taxes on wealthy americans and some small businesses. if we go over the cliff, the republicans don't have to vote for a rate increase and they can
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come back and cut taxes in the new year and look pretty good, right? >> the point is, it is not what looks worse for republicans and democrats but what looks and is worse for the american people. >> doesn't it seem to be with what they are worried about. >> what the republicans are concerned with most is out-of-control spending. to your point about tax increasing not addressing the problem as a whole, what we are looking at with this fiscal crisis is like a mortal wound to the chest. we have blood gushing out of our chest and president obama and the democrats come along and pu a band-aid on our forehead and we continue to have problems coming out of a different area. they are not addressing the real problem. we need to attack the spending, not just raise taxes. even if we, for argue sake, give the president every tax increase he wants, with are still looking at a trillion dollar debt every year. we neepd to address the spending in the country. >> the president addressed that. that's why i made that point. no one said there shouldn't be spending cuts.
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he has done that. >> ultimately, listen guys, we have to find bridge to get across. >> absolutely. >> one of the ways we can all agree on that will help us through that. i would worry if we spent the next three or four days of time of semi crisis for the country getting back down in our fox holes and shooting across each other. we have to come out of our fox holes and say this is about the country. our international reputation will suffer yet once again if our politicians can't do this. every other country in the world watching this is saying is america prepared to lead? if we can't solve in the conclusion has to be you can't trust these guys. they are not up to it. >> if we go over the cliff and the nation slides in to a recession, isn't it easy to imagine the blame equally spread around in washington? >> i think the republicans will pay the biggest price in the beginning. how it is resolved over time i'm not sure.
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the president so far has -- the fact is republicans have been losing the message war. it has to get back in to -- i think for its own sake it needs to listen to more of this right of center, not the far right in figuring this out. the republican party can repair itself over time. right now, it has to act as if -- look, the country's needs come first. what do we need to do to protect the country's welfare? if that spirit takes hold here -- we all thought it would come by the end of the elections. it didn't and maybe we thought it would come with the shootings in connecticut. it hasn't come. maybe the politicians can find it in themselves the next few days to say we are above this and stand for something bigger than petty bickering. >> if i could just add. as a mother this whole scenario makes it a lot tougher to actually show your children how adults act. because i actually don't want to
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show them how washington is acting because it is exactly the opposite. my daughter and son are getting along much better at christmas, imagine that, with sharing all the toys. >> exactly. >> all right. nice to see you all. thank you. >> thank you. late developments, as well, concerning the health of america's 41st president george h.w. bush. he's been in the hospital for weeks. dr. sanjay gupta is here to explain what's going on. >> this interview is brought to you by -- cisco telepresence. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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former president push spent christmas in the intensive care unit at methodist hospital. he is 88 years 'ole and been in hospital more than a month now. initially for bronchitis. he since developed a stub bosch fever and has been in the icu since sunday. sanjay gupta is joining us by phone. last week, it was expected the former president would be going home for christmas. and now we learn he's in the icu. what does that tell you and how dangerous is bronchitis and the subsequent fever for someone his age? what are the potential complications here? >> the age plays a big role as you may guess. bronchitis is typically
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something that can be easily treated. some of the times it needs antibiotics to treat it. but in someone like you and me it would be an easy thing to treat. the fact that he has had the bronchitis and then he was on the general care and back to intensive care unit with a fever probably indicates that the bron bronchitis was either not complete treated the first time around or came back. it was treated but came back quickly. we take those seriously. as you may guess, the biggest concern might turn in to pneumonia, an infection of the airways, pneumonia being an infection of the lungs. that would be more serious. one thing i read in to the statement, he is talking to his doctors and they say he was joking with his doctors shows his spirit and more importantly shows he is not needing a breathing machine right now. that's a good sign. >> certainly good news. as we said, he's been hospitalized for more than a
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month. to a lot of people that long of a hospital stay sounds serious. his spokesman said he is in guarded condition in the intensive care unit. what does that mean? >> guarded is one of these terms. it is not a formal medical term. when you think of medical terms you think of someone being in serious condition, critical condition. this is somewhere in between. i think that's the best way to describe it. when i take care of patients in the intensive care unit, when we say they are guarded that means we are keeping an eye on several different things could be the lungs or kidney function, neurological status. we don't know what this means particularly with the former president but it means we need around the clock monitoring, somebody to monitor him constantly. all of his vital signs and there are things we are trying to prevent from going in the wrong direction. they haven't done that yet,
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become a critical situation but worried enough where there are several things to keep an eye on and the i cu is the best place for that to happen. >> the president's former spokesman said he is on a liquid diet. does that tell you anything in particular? >> that is an interesting thing. first of all, someone cannot eat solid food would be the most obvious reason. they simply don't have appetite or are having difficulty swallowing. the former president talked about the fact he may have a form of parkinsons. that is how he described it. people who are parkinsons disease often have difficulty swallowing. and someone develops infection in around the airways i is sometimes more difficult to protect their airway. when they eat something they have a greater risk of aspirating it. it will go down the windpipe or trachea and that is a reason to
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start a liquid diet, as well. the main thing in the icu, patients a lot of times need to get the calories he needs to heal. however they can give it to him, solid or liquid is the most important thing. >> appreciate it. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> let's check in on other top stories. susan hendrix is joining me with a 360 bull on the. >> nelson mandela is home from the hospital and will continue to receive treatment. the 94-year-old is being treated for a lung infection and had surgery to remove gallstones. he has not appeared in the public since 2010. syria's military police chief defected. in a video on you tube he says syria's army has deviated from the mission to protect the country while carrying out massacres against innocent civilians. the two firefighters who survived a sniper ambush in
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webster, new york, will be upgreat graded to satisfactory condition. they were shot responding to a house fire. the two killed will have funerals on sunday and monday. nbc's david gregory may have violated d.c. gun laws. during sunday's "meet the press" while interviewing an nra executive he held up a high-capacity magazine which is illegal in the district. the washington metropolitan police department is investigating. >> susan, thank you very much. up next, big news if you drive a toyota or have been watching 360s exclusive reporting of cars that owners say accelerated out of control. a billion dollar 0 settlement to tell you about and more when 360 continues. ♪ if loving you is wrong
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big news. a billion dollars worth, in fact. in a story that 3 of has been in front of. toyota announcing a massive payout. $1.1 billion to settle a class-action lawsuit by customers who say their toyotas accelerated out of control. in addition the they agreed to modify car and take action beyond that. all told 16 million people may be covered by the settlement which follows $17 million fine toyota paid regulators earlier this month. 360 has been on this from the beginning uncovering details no one else has. in february, drew griffin broke the story of a documented link between the company's history of
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unintended acceleration and toyota software. that report highlighted an internal engineering memo. the company concedes it did not provide to government investigators an his story featured a customer who said she is convinced her new lexus surged ahead on its own. >> tanya thought the problems with suddenly accelerating toyotas were old news which is why she bought the car of her dreams. this 2011 lexus es 350 last june. >> did you think it was solved? >> i thought most definitely it was solved. the federal government tested toyota. they said it was floor mats or sticky throttle or something like that and i believed the government. >> 7,000 miles later on the day after christmas, she says she was pulling in to a parking spot at a local mall, gently riding the brakes when she says -- well, take a listen. >> the car just lurched forward
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and hit the cement wall in front of us. >> she jammed on the brakes so hard, she says she strained ligaments in her foot causing massive swelling. when she called the dealership, the salesman insisted she call a toyota company salesman. >> you will not drive this again? >> i will not drive it again. >> toyota never conceded. there was an internal document written in japanese with english translation that shows in one instance during pre-production testing an electronics software problem was discovered. toyota says it has nothing to do with unintended acceleration. other safety experts disagree. drew griffin is here tonight. first a big settlement earlier this month and now this. is this an admission by toyota that they really did have a problem with sudden, unintended
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acceleration? >> absolutely not. from the beginning toyota maintained it doesn't have a sudden unintended acceleration problem. certainly nothing wrong with the electronic throttle system. they said it was stuck gas pedals, stuck floor mats and operator error as they said was tan wra's case. they believe she stepped on the gas instead of the brake. what is the settlement about? why settle? here's what toyota's u.s. legal officers said today this was a difficult decision especially since reliable scientific evidence and multiple independent evaluations have confirmed the safety of the lotle control systems. however, we concluded that turning the page on the legacy legal issue through the positive steps we are taking is in the best interest of the company, ploy employees, dealers and most of all 0 our customers. the fact is the court trooir trials are creeping up on toyota and lawyers are asking for a lot of documents and depositions and
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the settlement keeps the records out of the pub like the records we found on ac 360 this past february. it's a way that toyota says we will put this behind us and keep all of our secrets out of the court. >> so drew, who gets the money from the settlement? >> it is huge. the bulk of the money will go to the customers past and present. that will include a brake override system for all of the vehicles identified by toyota as having a problem with floor mats getting stuck. for toyota owners like tanya who sold their cars during the crisis when the sales and values plumbed, toyota set aside $250 million to compensate owners for the loss. there's going to be a separate $250 million to compensate owners who don't qualify for that brake override system and finally all 16 million current toyota owners will be eligible for this warranty of what toyota says is certain parts related to
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sudden, unintended acceleration. the warranties go from three to ten years and i think clearly the intent here is to turn the page, like toyota said, put the legacy, legal issue behind the company. sales are up. sales are good. the company can afford it. they put hope this puts all of this unintended acceleration in the past. >> thank you very much. just ahead, remembering emily, anna and josephine. her family called her joey. their funerals over the holiday week were the last ones in the newtown tragedy. difficult days are ahead for their families and on the we will remember the indelible mark these three first graders made. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of all day pain relief. this season, discover aleve.
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no one could have predicted how life would change 12 days ago in newtown, connecticut. this has been a wrenching time. many difficult days lie ahead. there are no adequate words to describe the murder of 20 first graders and six staffers at sandy hook elementary school. since the tragedy, the town's police officers have worked around the clock. there have been so many funerals, so many grieving families to assist. yesterday they got a much-needed break. officers from police departments across the state stepped in so newtown's first responders could have a day off. them last of so many funerals were held over the weekend. three little girls, who had barely begun their lives. we remember them tonight.
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ana marquez-green is remembered by her family as a girl who loved arts, crafts and ballet and loved people fiercely. she was known for her singing voice bigger than her size. ♪ >> just 6 years old she grew up with music in her ears and her love of singing was evident before she could talk. her father is a musician and college music instructor. his 2009 album features a song he wrote about her entitled ana grace. she never walked anywhere. according to her family her mode of transportation was dance. she leaves behind her parents and brother sigh ie say also a student at sandy hook elementary. he was unharmed. i know this is your best christmas yet at home with your lord and savior. as your mom i wish we could have had a few more to celebrate here
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on earth. ♪ amen >> josephine grace turned seven three days before her life was tragically cut short. known to her family as joey. she was to have a birthday party the day after the shooting with many of her sandy hook classmates. mourners at her funeral were encouraged to wear purple in her honor, her favorite color. her parents say she rarely left the house without wearing something purple. she loved to play with her barbie dolphs, ipad, swim, swing and be where her sisters were. her parents said she was autistic and could not speak but touched the lives of so many around her. teachers, therapists, friends and neighbors all loved and cherished her. they called her spirit incomable. emily parker was a prolific
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exceptional artist says her father. when she saw someone was sad she would draw them a picture to brighten their day. at 6 years old she was a teacher. >> emily was a mentor to her sisters and delighted in teaching them to read, dance and find the simple joys in life. emily's laughter was infection and all of those who had the pleasure to meet her would agree this world is a better place because she's been in it. >> at her funeral, mourners were encouraged to wear her favorite color, pink. emily's family moved from newtown to utah eight months ago because her father had gotten a job at the local hospital caring for newborns. her funeral was held back in utah. >> emilie was an example to not only her big sisters, to her family, to all of her little friends and now she's become an
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example to the world about purity, innocence, tragedy and forgiveness. >> we remember tonight. we'll be right back. questions? anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. [ female announcer ] live the regular life. progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive, and they're them. yes.
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we are just days away from the most unpredictable night of the year here on cnn. i'm talking, of course, about new year's eve when anderson and kathy griffin co-host our live
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coverage from times square. you never know what to expect, of course, when they team up. here's something you can count on. just like last year, viewers will have the chance to see their own new year's eve messages on air. tweet using the #cnnnye or on ac 360. anderson and kathy are gearing for their big night and here's a preview. >> we are going to break it down this year. >> yeah. >> this year the mask is coming off. >> the what is? >> the mask. >> what mask? >> the secrets that you have been keeping and i don't mean the obvious one that even i'm bored with, i mean the darker secrets are coming out. this is the year where you are in my baby bjorn sobbing and that's my 1020. >> i like that image of me in a baby bjorn sobbing.
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>> honey, i'm going to get a anderson cooper baby bjorn and you will be clutching me like the clone monkeys where they are they are clutching each other for safety. >> we tried to get the monkey from ikea because i'm obsessed with that monkey. >> you are obsessed with a monkey from ikea. >> you must have seen the monkey that got loose in the shearling coat. >> yes. that is considered a big booking for this show. a monkey that got loose in ikea. >> that's just a taste of what you will get. plenty more on monday. this will be their six year together. cnn's new year's eve live with anderson cooper and kathy griffin starts at 10:00 p.m. eastern from times square. we are counting down the top ten ridiculous stories. we asked you to vote on-line. number ten and nine are posted on our website at and
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tonight we reveal number eight on the list. the exercise equipment that, how should i put it, let's just say it leaves a lasting image. >> time for the ridiculist. it is a piece of exercise equipment and it follows very closely in the, shall we say, suggestive footsteps as the thigh master and shake weight. let's take a look, shall we? hey now! wow! that's not just suggestive. there's a language barrier, of course, but what we can gather this piece of exercise equipment finally addresses a common problem, that problem being when you desperately want to ride a horse in your living room but when you try to mimic the motion without any equipment you are
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likely to fall down. >> see, problem solved. finally a way to pelvic thrust your way to fitness without the risk of falling on the floor that always happens to me and to think in the country we only have the shake weight which looks demure by comparison. >> it's going to kick your butt. >> just shake it, back and forth. actually forget the whole demure by comparison thing. still looks like a "saturday night live" sketch. >> introducing the shake weight commercial dvd. it features the shake weight commercial three times on the loop, static and then nothing else. >> this dvd is great. first of all, you can show your friends it is an actual commercial. that's kind of cool. >> all i can think of anymore when i see the shake weight is the time i was playing a game